Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the trip


day one....

we left the house at 11 after much stalling..... hit SC at 8 pm.... yea!!!!!! hotel in middle of the state.........

day 2...

left hotel around 10:30 and stopped at "south of the border" for some silly fun..... rode an elevator 200 feet up to stand in the brim of a sombrero and look out over I-95 and SC..... NC was 3 miles ahead... think we saw it! Took pictures with some big plastic animals....the rhino and the horse were Kawena's favs..... decided to visit friends and drove out to WVA...... wow, what a long drive.... incidentally, the gps system does find the LONGEST ways sometimes!!!!!! around the mountains rather than over.... LOL anyway, got there around 9.... we did stop a bunch of times to get out of the car....

day 3...

this morning we drove OVER the mountain and stopped at the top near the Appalachian trails.... we stood at the state line btwn VA and WVA.... Kawena was excited because we were in 2 diff. states... me in WVA and her in VA..... and only 3 feet away from each other...... those people are nuts by the way, winding roads on the side of a mountain, raining and they are driving 60 in the 40MPH areas..... kinda scary!! Kawena loved it, screaming like she was on a roller coaster! (me cringing all the way!!) then our ears popping all the way down..at that moment I missed the boring flatlands of FL... def. could live here... .land, horses, beautiful scenery..... then again, they have WINTER here... LOL

we are presently in Alexandria VA..... (back tracked!) going to DC in the morn..... right now i am sitting in a hotel bed --happy to not have to drive until the 25th..... going to the verizon center on the 24th to look at the arena-- maybe move here and buy seats!! oh yeah, the WINTER thing....

we head for Niagara on the 25th not sure how long it will take to get there, going to the falls and then to Toronto to the Hockey Hall of Fame...... then on to NYC and NJ.... then GA and home.....

will upload some pix as soon as my card reader decides to work!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun...fun...fun

Who did you go see in West Virginia???


Anonymous said...

I'm positive you're having a positively fabulous time! Have you felt any special "good, good, good, good vibrations" along the way? Have you seen any famous people's houses?? ;-) Hehehe... we miss you!
Christine & Sean
PS Sean just asked me how babies start to grow in their mommy's belly. Hmmmm... I think his teacher should be answering that one! LOL